OSMAnd position post timeout

Tony Shelver6 months ago

I am using the python requests library to post device positions to Traccar, via the OSMAnd protocol. This was working fine on version 5.6, but since moving to 5.9, a lot of these time out. Http request (get) timeout is set to 20 seconds.
Quite a few get through, but over time most time out. Is there anything I should look at on the server for parameters or tuning?
Quite a beefy server (32GB RAM, SSD, 6 CPUs) with about 20 devices attached currently.

Below is the http record I am sending through to Traccar OSMAnd (port 5055):
Timeout while inserting Traccar position:

http://localhost:5055/?id=867273021318915&lat=0&lon=0×tamp=2023-11-15 10:26:33&altitude=0&speed=0.0

Timeout while inserting Traccar position:

http://localhost:5055/?id=867273021318915&lat=-32.83357&lon=28.10784×tamp=2023-11-15 10:27:07&altitude=13&speed=0.0
Anton Tananaev6 months ago
Tony Shelver6 months ago

Thanks for the info Anton: put this in the config file: <entry key='server.instantAcknowledgement'>true</entry>

Will monitor how it works tonight

Tony Shelver6 months ago

Hi Anton, have fixed this now: below is what I did to fix.

Seemed to be successful after the reboot, still had a few timeouts happening.

However, reviewing my logs this morning, I got:
Max retries exceeded with url: /?id=864049025727043&lat=-33.01951&lon=27.90384&timestamp=2023-11-16%2004:10:16&altitude=57&speed=16.198704103671705 (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f689b5ed8b0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))

As of this AM, after running all night, not getting any position data being added.

I then also added :

    <entry key='osmand.timeout'>600</entry>

to the config file and rebooted.

For the last 3 hours, no more issues that I can tell.

Thanks for the help.