Wrong device ID - Data in log file

knoxy3 years ago

Hi Anton,

I'd put the wrong device ID for one unit. I followed the troubleshooting (https://www.traccar.org/troubleshooting/) and got the right ID out of the log file and updated in in the web interface.

Will the position data from the log files be uploaded eventually or is there a way to get it resubmitted? Decoding the HEX data it looks like it is all there.


Anton Tananaev3 years ago

The answer depends on your device.

knoxy3 years ago

It's a TK103 device. I know the protocol is right as I was using it on another instance. Its reporting in on port :5002.

This is an example entry in the log:

2021-02-20 14:49:20  INFO: [5b75a62e: tk103 <] HEX: 283038373037323634393736314252303032313032323041343732332e373237334e30303733382e31383432453035392e343134343931393237302e323630313030303030304c303030343530414229
2021-02-20 14:49:20  WARN: Unknown device - 087072649761 (
2021-02-20 14:49:28  INFO: [5b75a62e: tk103 <] HEX: 283038373037323634393736314250303033353238383730373236343937363148534f3031376629
2021-02-20 14:49:28  INFO: [5b75a62e: tk103 >] HEX: 283038373037323634393736314150303148534f29
Anton Tananaev3 years ago

My point was that if your device re-submits the same data if upload fails - then yes. But server won't buffer that data anywhere.

knoxy3 years ago

Ok so if the device doesn’t resend then there is no way to extract the data from the log file and upload manually?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Of course you can do it manually if you want.