Recent topics by jaimzj

Question on event deviceInactive 2 months ago8
MT825 add support for event id 04 years ago1
MT825 Command Results Issue4 years ago3
Question regarding Commands support for OsmAnd protocol4 years ago3
Help needed with adding additional data to devices table via Config database.updateLatestPosition4 years ago6
Server / Database scaling or optimization discussion thread4 years ago9
Report summary & route loads slower in one account than other5 years ago4
Why is it required to pass most parameters to API POST/Update calls ?5 years ago1
Device timezone Handling question6 years ago4
API - PUT /devices/{id} - Why do we post all parameters6 years ago4
Traccar API permissions - POST - response status code correction6 years ago3
Question about Loading markers within current map bounds (Viewing area)6 years ago2 tools help and guidance needed6 years ago7
Server & Website Monitoring Tool - Suggestion6 years ago7
Traccar client stops sending update's while (Whatsapp call is in progress)5 years ago4
Notification panel empty/blank after upgrade to 3.156 years ago5
Nominatim Setup Request With Region Data7 years ago2
3.12 web-ui events panel empty and events notification not displayed.5 years ago43
user-management can Manager Create/Manage Another Manager5 years ago9
MySql Optimization Option addition on Site7 years ago2
Geofence Creation API7 years ago28
A face to the name8 years ago2
Traccar Site (Version Display) Request8 years ago2
Traccar Reverse Geo-coding Suggestion8 years ago3
3.7 Trip Detection Working Info Required8 years ago2
Traccar Startup (delay issue)8 years ago17
Traccar Server Upgrade from 3.2 to Latest (Advice needed)8 years ago3
Traccar Server Stop Abrubtly suddenly Version 3.28 years ago4
Commands API Help Needed8 years ago6
Geo-Fence & Integration Related Queries8 years ago4
3.2 Traccar, SQLException error8 years ago4
Feature Request : Trip Details8 years ago13
PHP Identifying position entries with alarm in attributes (EXAMPLE)8 years ago1
PHP retrieve device list for a certain user MySQL Query (EXAMPLE)2 years ago3
PHP json decode 'attributes' column (EXAMPLE)6 years ago3
PHP Function to Calculate Distance (Example)8 years ago11
Traccar Server Hardware (VPS/DedicatedServer) & Feedbacksa year ago29
MySQL Optimization or Recommended Configuration8 years ago17
Change IMEI (Still Traccar 3.2 / recieves data for the IMEI not in db)8 years ago2
Feature Request - Database Backup8 years ago2
attributes - alarms - Identifcation8 years ago18
Traccar 3.3 auto start not happening8 years ago2
Memory usage (Server 3.2 and 3.3 difference)8 years ago6
3.2 device Status Not recording8 years ago3
3.2 Distance Calculation in attributes (logic?)8 years ago2
Reverse Geocode less data8 years ago9
Traccar feature - Odometer3 months ago12
Reverse Geocode Suggestion8 years ago2
gps103 repeated alarm8 years ago4
API (User Login) Suggestion8 years ago3