Recent topics by DaveGG

2 Questions related. [about trips and routes]5 months ago1
I need understand something in Configuration File page.5 months ago5
Comparison or difference between live route markers and report markers.5 months ago5
For the legacy web [SVG Images]7 months ago2
help search engine [advanced search by year]7 months ago2
SMS to my device but IPv6 IP7 months ago8
Doubt about building the server, the web, github, etc... 8 months ago3
Help with gradle build8 months ago6
Fail in build from surce -legacy web-8 months ago5
Help with Build from Source - demo traccar servers - .8 months ago10
Reportes8 months ago4
Tables MySQL on Linuxa year ago4
URL for taccar managera year ago12
502 Bad Gatewaya year ago3
Know the version installed and some small issuesa year ago14
Uninstall traccara year ago3
Web lenght live routea year ago3
Whats mean allowPublicKeyRetrieval2 years ago3
I can not enter to my traccar server, (don't worry I leave OCI)2 years ago1
Avoid session close2 years ago3
Version 5.3 & legacy web & Mysql2 years ago3
[Maybe] Double DB mysql and can´t login2 years ago15
I don't know if I have mysql database on VPS2 years ago15
I can't get sound on my notifications.2 years ago1
I can't find /opt/traccar/web/app2 years ago4
Help to locate config file (ubuntu server OCI)2 years ago5
Back to old web view.2 years ago3
Live route option goes page blank2 years ago11
PolicyAgent services svchost.exe ¿kill my ports?2 years ago1
I can't put online my device from windows server2 years ago24
(Demo server) Report route traccar, some points go straight and off road.2 years ago4
no log file in log folder2 years ago12
I need to save money reply sms2 years ago9
Level battery2 years ago16
Please be concise (about traccar client)2 years ago3
Off road2 years ago7
Hi! Hello! Hola! Aloha!2 years ago1